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May 27, 2013

"Memorial Day" Makeover Edition.

Hey everyone,

Let me start by wishing you a happy Memorial Day weekend. today's post is very special to me as it marks a new phase in my life.
Since I was a little girl I have loved to do hair and makeup on others. Making others feel beautiful has always touch my heart in a very special way. I remember how my aunt will have me color her hair and I would do hair do's and makeup on my cousins. I'm not a hairstylist but I do love how they can transform even the most unmanageable hair into perfection. I have always loved the pictures in magazines because everyone always have perfect hair, makeup, nails, wardrobe, accessories, lighting and a perfect location. When I started to take pictures I wanted for my pictures to look just like those in magazines. The more I read about photography the more I understand how photographers and makeup artist are each others best friend, and that's how I decided to become a makeup artist. 

I would love to work doing photo shoots involving makeovers. I dream of collaborating with photographers, hairstylist, makeup artist, and wardrobe stylist to help deserved women get their dream photo shoot. Wouldn't that be fantastic?! I might need the help of Oprah Winfrey or Ellen Degeneres to make that happen LOL. Meanwhile I have decided to start doing it on my own. Yeah, you read that correctly.  As I move from place to place I get to meet amazing inspiring women. I decided to start using the talents God has given me. The spark started when I read a quote that said "The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away." That's when it hit me I'm here to help others. I'm here to help women see the life and light inside of them, so it may shine from the inside out. 

I met a wonderful and beautiful woman not so long a go. She wanted to do a photo shoot and wanted me to do her makeup. Once I heard her story I knew instantly that I wanted to do it, and I asked if I could feature her here on my blog. I want to share a little bit of her story with all of you and we both hope her story inspires you in many ways.

Meet Justine Insonia
Age: 36
Height: 5"6
Birth place: Denver CO 
Occupation: Administrative Assistant/Personal Trainer
Weight before: 180 pounds 

Where you always overweight? 
No, I was extremely skinny in high school and all the way up to the age of 26. I started gaining weight in 2006 by drinking beer and eating chicken wings, pizza, burgers, pasta and list goes on...
Can you describe yourself before the weight loss? 
I wasn't ever happy the way I looked, when I went shopping for clothes the things I wanted would never look right on me. I was confident to a point but I would always hide my feelings about how sad I was about my weight.
What motivated you to lose weight? 
I was tired of gaining weight everyday and I knew it was a choice I would have to make. If I would not have made the decision back in January 2011 to stop living unhealthy I would be over 200 pounds by now for sure. I knew I wanted to be fit and healthy because you can't get any younger but you sure can decide how you want to get older!

What would this photo shoot mean to you? 
It is a turning point in my life, this photo shoot will always remind me of how hard I worked to get to the level of fitness I am at today, and to never let myself slide! I want to show to all those people who are just starting out on their path to a healthier self and fit life, that it is possible and every step you take towards your goal counts!! Don't stop fighting for you dreams and goals!!!

Justine at 128 pounds now

Do you feel comfortable in your own skin now? 
Absolutely, I would have never ever put on a half shirt for a photo shoot and now I feel so good about my body. I'm proud to show people what I have accomplish and all the work I have done to get here.

Did you had any struggles? 
I've had many, many struggles. I started weight loss plans many times and they worked out for maybe 2 months and then I was right back to where I began. It was the eating habits that had to change and that is the hardest part.

Did you see results immediately? 
Absolutely not, it took me at least 1 month to begin to see any changes and they were small, I never got on the scale because it will mess with your head so stay off. As soon as I stopped the treadmill, elliptical, and picked up the weights I saw results faster than ever before. You will not get bulky, you get cut and sexy!!!

Did your family support you in your weight loss journey? 

Oh, yes! My husband has been so wonderful, he is an amazing Chef and when I decided to eat healthier he started cooking healthier for the family. Everyone encouraged me everyday on my journey to a healthy fit lifestyle!

Can you describe yourself after the weight loss? 
I am more social and happy to go places! I feel amazing, I rarely get sick or have headaches (which was an issue before). I love how having a healthier lifestyle has impacted other aspects of my unhealthy behavior, like drinking alcohol. I rarely drink now because I know it will interfere with my workout and the way I feel the next day. I think clearer, I have more energy and I love waking up everyday!

What keeps you motivated? 

The way I feel now, looking at pictures of myself before and knowing how unhappy I was behind that smile. What motivated me the most was the comments from people that tell me I inspire them and have helped them to know that it is possible, it is right there you just have to go get it!

Who was your biggest weight loss inspiration & why? 
I don't have 1 particular person but I will have to say watching the Biggest Loser.

What is your favorite type of exercise?
CROSSFIT it has pushed me beyond my limits and has shown me there is always more to achieve!

Do you have an exercise routine? 

I do Crossfit at 5am almost everyday of the week unless my body tells me otherwise after Crossfit I will do my weight training routine.
Monday: Chest & Biceps & 30 min Sprints.
Tuesday: Legs.
Wednesday: Back & Triceps & 30 min Sprints.
Thursday: Glutes.
Friday: Shoulders & Traps & 30 min Sprints.
Saturday: Functional Workout meaning tabata or interval training.
Sunday: Rest Day.

Have you forbidden yourself any type of food? 

Sugar that is the worst thing to set you back.
What is your favorite & least favorite healthy food?
At this point I would honestly have to say I do not have a least favorite healthy food, and my favorite healthy food is Kale Chips!!!
Do you have a trigger food? 
Mexican Food enchiladas smothered in cheese!!!
A type of food that is impossible for you to say no to or stop eating? 
My husbands fruit tarts!!!

What was the most recent compliment/comment about your body? 
Someone told me I look very fit and I like that word "FIT" not skinny but they noticed I am strong and healthy!

What part of your body do you like the most, & why? 
I will have to say my face because I see the true happiness radiate from my smile and my arms because I am starting to get some GUNS =)

What are your future plans? 
My family and I are currently living in Japan and we are two months away from moving back to the U.S. I'm going to college to become a nutritionist, and plan on being a full time personal trainer.

Do you have tips for others?
YES, it does not matter how much you work out, if you do not change your eating habits you will not get your full potential to the surface! When I first started losing weight a friend and I were talking and I said "if I can only get to a size 7/8 I will be happy". My friend said "yeah, I don't think I can see you any smaller", but now I am a size 2/4, anything is possible. Think about it, is that candy or french fry going to make you happy? Maybe for a moment but after you eat it do you feel bad? Believe me once you start changing your eating habits you will not crave that food anymore, there are a lot of addictive things in the food that are not healthy for you and that is what keeps you coming back. Once you eliminate that from your body you will start craving the good and clean food! Make up your mind just make that decision to live healthy and happy not for anyone else just for YOU!

Doesn't she look like the Mexican actress Maria Felix? Check some pictures of her here and let me know if you think so too.

She also served 4 years in the U.S Navy and her husband is also an active duty member. Thank you both for your sacrifice and service.

Did you like this post? If you did, please share it with others. Someone out there might be needing to read this. 

Until next time.

With <3



  1. kenia sepulveda5/28/13, 9:14 PM

    Amazing story Tamara and best of all so inspiring for people like me with similar goals in life. I do agree that as long as we don't change our eating habits nothing big happens. I would say better things happen and your body starts shaping in a way you once taught it was not possible. I would've loved for you to ask her her nutrition plan & meals. I think there's a lot of misunderstood plans... when people think diet they think less food or no foods which I know it is not what diet is all about but people don't have this knowledge. However, some people are lucky and can afford to pay a trainer and learn what diet/eating clean is all about. I think that if we can understand a bit of how clean nutrition works and how and why and when and its beneficial to our bodies is...then we are all set! maybe this can be your next blog ;) Outstanding pictures Tammy <3 love your work! I wish I can get my transformation photo shot taken by you ;) very artistic and amazing woman.. Love ya xoxo

  2. Thank you for your kind words. My photography as well as this blog are work in progress. I am loving every part of it and i'm glad you are finding it inspirational. I did ask about her nutrition plan, right now she is training for a bodybuilding competition. Her meals are really targeted towards that goal, lots of veggies, protein, and she just made the decision of going 100% vegan. Whenever bodybuilders are preparing for a competition their meal plans are really strict and is not how they would typically eat on a regular basis. Definitely looking for healthier recipes I can share with everyone. You should consider having a photo shoot once you reach your goal. I wish I could do it for you =)
