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July 12, 2013

Drink your fruit and veggies!

I am not an expert nor have I done research other than what friends and relatives have shared with me. Eating healthy and making it part of my lifestyle is what I'm all about. It seems like everyone I know is either juicing, or thinking about it, asking questions regarding it, or really just interested in the subject. Don't worry this isn't a post about the endless list of why you need to start juicing and it's benefits. I have a good friend that could explain the benefits of juicing and such better than I can. She's been thinking about starting her own blog about nutrition, she would be good at it too. Research and clarification is something she thrives on, you know those weird long names and ingredients I can't seem to pronounce correctly. She's good at many things and I really wish she decides to start sharing her knowledge with us real soon. Hint, hint, Miss. R.

I wanted to begin my juicing experience by taking "small steps"  Making small changes to your daily habits is all it takes right? My friend suggested to try smoothies, (green smoothies)! She gave me a simple yet surprisingly delicious recipe. Are you just as skeptical as I am? Just give it a try and I promise you won't look at veggies and fruit the same way ever again.

Let's begin. What you'll need.

1 Cup of water
1 Banana
1 handful of spinach
1 Green or yellow apple

So far so good?…

 Get your blender and add water and spinach.

 blend away…

 cut apples into small pieces and add to blender.

again blend.

cut bananas and add to blender…again, blend and now Enjoy! You don't need to add sugar and you won't taste the spinach.

Are you still with me? If you like the previous recipe, you will for sure love the next one.

Spinach and pineapple.

Cut your pineapple and save the core and skin. Trust me you'll want to save it. I have a post on what to do with it next =)

Add 1 cup of water, 1 handful of spinach and 1 cup of pineapple.

 Let's add blueberries YUM!

 1 cup of blueberries will do.


Are you juicing? Making smoothies? Have any recipes you want to share? I want to hear all about it.

Until next time.

With <3


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