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May 7, 2014

CrossFit and Pregnancy.

Let me introduce a very determined good looking gal, Ashley Carpenter. I met her about a year and a half ago, while doing CrossFit at CrossFit Yokosuka. She's 25 years old from Colorado. She's the mother of a beautiful and healthy boy. Ashley started doing CrossFit because she wanted to gain lean muscle. She had been doing CrossFit for a few months when she found out she was expecting baby #2. From the moment she announced she was expecting, I told her I wanted to do her maternity pictures. Then our CrossFit coach suggested to do some maternity pictures while she worked out. Everyone that sees her working out can't believe their eyes, and are always complimenting her.

There is a lot of information out there regarding exercise and its benefits while pregnant. That is why this post is not meant to create a debate whether a woman should or shouldn't exercise while pregnant.

I read an article that said: 

Pregnancy is a nine-month marathon. Or maybe an extreme obstacle course-demanding mere mortal women to (literally) stretch themselves as they haul loads of increasingly heavy human life, share their bodies and nutrients with it, and then push the child out with superhuman strength. It's a marathon women have been running since forever, and yet it still amazes us and raises questions-questions like, "should you really exercise during pregnancy?" Maybe it seems so unnatural-seeing that round woman passing you on your morning jog. She's so fragile! In a way, yes, she's fragile (aren't we all), but that woman is a also a marathoner, remember, who has the capacity to grow a life and push it out. She can probably handle a jog. And if pregnancy is a marathon, ought she get strong and fit for the road ahead?
If you like to read the article in it's entirety you can find it here

I asked our Coach Stephanie Cherrstrom her opinion regarding pregnancy and overall physical activity.
From the Coach perspective, if you were CrossFitting prior to your pregnancy there is no reason you should stop. Obviously there were some modifications throughout her pregnancy from weight to movements. I think it's key to talk about how staying active not only helps with pregnancy, delivery and postpartum, but also the mental health of physical activity, like the increase of endorphins, lowers chances of depression, and finally sets a great example if you have other children about living a healthy lifestyle. 
Stephanie holds the following certifications: Olympic Lifting, Pose Running and Gymnastics, CrossFit Level 1, AFAA Personal Trainer, and AFAA Group X. 

I have asked Ashley to share a little message for everyone reading this post.

The key for me was to listen to my body at all times and not to worry about what others were doing or thinking. Everyone and everyday is different, there were weeks where I couldn't do anything, and weeks where I felt so good. Sometimes I had to reminds myself I was pregnant, but I never gave up because I want to be physically and emotionally strong when it comes to bringing my son into this world. I'm not saying everyone who is pregnant should go out and do CrossFit, but I think they should stop living by the stereotypical pregnancy belief that we should eat whatever we crave and become sedentary because of stress and fear. If you were active and healthy before why stop now when your baby needs a healthy mom the most? Being active has kept me from felling achy and stiff. It helps me sleep at night, and it keeps me emotionally strong. My husband and I are constantly reminded of the little things that being fit throughout my pregnancy has done, compared to my last pregnancy. He appreciates that I can still put on my own shoes, and reach across the car for a kiss. I'm emotionally stronger, I have more confidence, and all these benefits were reaped from doing CrossFit. I know what I'm doing is the best for my child, and for delivering him into a healthy, strong environment. People can judge and say mean things when they can't relate to your beliefs. This doesn't mean what you are doing is wrong just stay true to yourself. Listen to your body and do what's best for you and your baby.

I would like to point out, when we decided to do this photo session we wanted to share the positive aspects of a healthy, and active lifestyle. We hope we can motivate and inspire others.

Ashlee was 35 weeks pregnant at the time of the photo session.

 She is super sweet and super strong ;)

 Stephanie and Ashlee worked together to modify every WOD. 

I'm saving the best for almost last. Enjoy some bloopers that happened during the session.



Time goes by fast when you're having FUN!

I also took her maternity pictures.

She's a wonderful woman, wife, mommy, and friend. 

I am happy to report, she gave birth to a health baby boy. He was 8 lbs.15 oz. She actually worked out until the day of her delivery.

If you made it all the way to the end. Thank you for your time and Happy Mother's Day to all mothers and future mamas out there. If you like this post please share it.

Until next time. With love,


**Disclaimer: Prior to participating in any program, activity or exercise, you should seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health-care professional.**

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